Thursday, February 22, 2007

An Open Letter to Nielsen Research Media

I would like to apply to become a member of the Nielsen family, mostly because I have been on a big Law and Order: Criminal Intent kick lately, and want to help kick up their ratings. D'onofrio kicks ass even if he fainted on set a few times because KERRY LOST (boo fucking hoo) anyway the show is on tuesday nights. And in a way to avoid my other responsibilities i decide to find something that's on right before Law and Order CI. What I've chosen is the show on NBC at 7:00, To catch a predator (i love the use of the 'to catch' as if its this romantic noble virtue. To kill a mocking bird? NO TO CATCH A PREDATOR!) anyway its the show where they catch those pederasts who reel in minors on-line and then make arrangements to meet where they have sex (rape). Anyway it's the show where they get a guy to come over and then a guy or girl actor gets the guy to come in and make some creepy remark and then out comes this Stone Phillips wannabe and starts embarrassing the hell out of the dude. It's totally sketchy and NBC should be ashamed of themselves for borderline setting these guys up but HOT DAMN is it funny seeing these low lifes get pinched. Another great aspect is how the producers thunk it a good idea to re-enact via voice over the e-mails and chat room messages between NBC and the unsuspecting pervert. hearing some older male voice actor say creepy things to a young female voice actor is great."Are you a virgin?""Kind of""I can help you with that you know."then the perv shows his cock and nuts via web cam.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha. The actors are terrible, they should say it with feeling, instead they read through in monotone.

thank you for considering my application,

J.J. Dufresne

1 comment:

Maybelline Jones said...

I almost can't take it: two of my favorite obsessions in one - Vincent D'Onofrio and J.J. Dufresne. Can you imagine the possibilities?